Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Not sure what to do

Over the weekend I managed to get 10 of the new frames that I bought built and filled with foundatiion. I put them in a super and proceeded to get them on one of the hives. I opened up the hive that was started from a nuc last year - this is the one that seems to be doing the best. I noticed that there were ALOT of ants crawling up the hive and when I toook off the outer cover I discovered a good size ant nest on the underneath side of the cover. YUK. Now there is a certain amount of irony in the fact that I am nurturing on group of insects and find the others repulsive. I brushed all of the ants off of the cover.

I gave the hive a little smoke and went on in. I am so scared of accidentally hurting the queen it makes me very hesitant to fool with them too much. I pulled out several frames and there is what appears to be capped brood. There doesn't seem to be much honey. The dilemma is whether I should be feeding them or not. There is alot blooming and alot of activity so that may be what they need, but if they need the extra boost of food I want to give it to them. I think I need to contact someone for good advice.

I opened the second hive - looks like the same situation except there are a couple of frames that haven't even been pulled. I put the super on the first hive and covered them back up. I think I should be taking the whole thing apart and look down into the bottom hive bodies, but there is the issue of not being able to identify the queen and being afraid of hurting her. I think this is more than I should do by all myself. Yikes!

Well....I think I need some help!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Beautiful morning!

I have just returned from being out of town for a few days and it is SO much greener than when I left! Amazing how much difference a few days make. The buckeye trees are blooming and are just beautiful. Our lower meadow is also in bloom with white flowers. Yay for spring.

I have to go pick up some frames for my hives so I can add a super to each. Don't want my girls to get too crowded and look for a new home. I will FINALLY get some honey (I hope!)

There is a new Dadant supply store in Frankfort so no really long trip or mailorder is needed to get the frames. I hope the size of the frames is compatible with the parts I already have.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Almost Easter

Tomorrow is Easter. The family is coming over and we will have a casual "picnic like" meal. Sandwiches, potato salad, etc. Just don't have the energy to do a big dinner. It is supposed to rain today, but it is beautiful this morning. We saw a goldfinch outside the bedrooom window this morning. We have a little grove of paw paw trees and he was siitting in those trees. The birds are singing their little hearts out this morning.

I found the cutest little baskets for the children - with REAL grass. What a cute idea. I hope they like them.... I am sure the toys and candy will make more of an impression than the grass.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spring has sprung!

Well this blog has been mighty quiet up to now. Well, there was Christmas, then New Year's, birthday, etc. and i have been involved in trying to lose weight. I looked at myself and saiid enough is enough. I started at the end of January with Weight Watchers online and have lost 17+ pounds so far. Yay for me.

I cracked open the bees yesterday - I didn't take all of the frames out - and they seem to be going to town. I met my first goal of NOT KILLING THEM (big goal, huh?!) so now let's see if we can actually get some honey. I have to order more frames and put another super on one of the hives. The other seems to have some room left, but I think I will get a super ready for it, too, while I am at it.

We went for a little walk today and saw the early spring wild flowers - trillium, violets (purple and white), etc. The redbud is blooming and it is glorious. I love spring. The hillsides are that lovely spring green.